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What emotions have you been experiencing lately? 

Perhaps you’re feeling one of these emotions….

Agony, anger, annoyance, anxiety, apprehension………..bewilderment, bliss, boredom……..calmness, cheerfulness, compassion, confidence, cynicism……depression, despair, disgust, doubt…….eagerness, ecstasy, empathy, envy, excitement…..fear, fright, frustration…….gratitude, grief, guilt……happiness, hostility, hurt, hysteria……impatience, indifference, insecurity, irritation……jealousy, joy, jubilation, loathing…..loneliness, love, lust……melancholy, miffed, misery, morbidness…….nervousness, nirvana…….optimism, outrage, overwhelmed…….passion, pessimism, pleasure, pride…….rage, regret, relief, resentment, romance……..sadness, satisfaction, shame, shock, stress…….tension, terror, triumph…….vulnerability…….wanderlust, worry…….zeal, 

Or something else…..

…..Perhaps you’re feeling 2, or 5, or 10 of these emotions??

Whatever you’re feeling, I encourage you to embrace the notion that these emotions are yours, and nobody else’s. 

Why is this important?

Amidst turbulent, challenging and polarizing times, the more objective you remain, the more empowered you become. 

Whether the topic is political, financial, spiritual, emotional, constitutional, or unconventional, everyone is having their own emotional experiences and responses. 

I encourage you to honor this….

Not to try and convince someone else that they should feel differently…

Because the truth is that you don’t fully understand what drives a person to respond a certain way…

You don’t fully know all of their personal experiences over the years, and traumas that shape their belief systems…

You don’t fully know what leads another person to respond with anger, joy, frustration, etc. to the situation at hand.

Even if this is your partner, family member, or best friend….  

And therefore, aren’t able to fully embody why someone responds the way that they do. 

You may disagree with someone’s take on politics and policies, or other subject matters, and this is totally cool.  

If you do disagree, I encourage you to stay open and meet that person(s) with an objective lens, and curiosity. 

Not always easy to do. I get it! Especially living in the shit storm we’re living in right now. 

Self-care and preservation remain mission critical during these crazy-ass times…. 

Staying open, and neutral in response to others is hugely beneficial in your quest to remain healthy, strong and self-aware. 

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